Precautions of Sun Salutation, know these precautions and some important things before doing hello, Benefit of yoga, tip for yoga, - Health Source And Care


Sunday, May 31, 2020

Precautions of Sun Salutation, know these precautions and some important things before doing hello, Benefit of yoga, tip for yoga,

Precautions and some important things of Sun Salutation

Precautions of Sun Salutation, know these precautions and some important things before doing hello, Benefit of yoga, tip for yoga,
Precautions of Sun Salutation, know these precautions and some important things before doing hello, Benefit of yoga, tip for yoga,

There are many things that should be kept in mind before doing Surya Namaskar and there are also some precautions which should be adopted. So that we get good benefits of Surya Namaskar, lest we become unwell. Have the following precautions
1 Pay attention before performing Sun Salutation and Asanas, if there is any back pain or low back pain problem, then do not do this asana.

2 Even if you have a blood pressure problem, do not do it

3 People suffering from arthritis should also not do Surya Namaskar because by doing salutations or doing any exercise, there is a stretch in the body and the effect of this stretch can affect the joints of the body and our problem may increase further. Sun Salutation to eliminate your problems and not to increase, so it is very important to take precautions.

4 You have a hernia and any such serious problem or you have been cured of these diseases. If you do not do Sun Salutation right now, it can cause problems. Seek advice from an expert.

5 Now some information for pregnant women, pregnant women also should not do Sun Salutation. And if your body needs exercise after taking care of your health, then you can exercise before taking advice from a gynecologist or your Dr. Do not do anything without the advice of Dr.

6 After doing Sun Salutation or Yogasan, we should not get upright after posture should stay lying in Shavasana for some time after the posture, close the eyes, straighten the legs and lie down in Shavasana, this balances the blood flow and collects energy.

7 After Shavasana, when we try to get up, we can rub the palms of our two hands before each other and we can get up on the eyes and faces after that.

8 After doing Sun Salutation and Asanas, sit down for a while and drink a glass of water comfortably.

Here are some precautions that should be remembered before Sun Salutation.

Now some important things and questions - answers
Often people have many questions in our mind that why should we do Sun Salutation, when should we do it, how should we do it, in which direction should we do it, how should we dress while doing postures, etc. The questions always come up today. Are answering

1 Why should one do Sun Salutation?

Answer - In this life filled race, everyone is racing to move forward and has become so busy that humans cannot find time for themselves, but if we take a little time and greet the sun in the morning, then we can give our body Can give energy, can revitalize your body,
You can always keep your health healthy "Surya Namaskar and Yogasan works in our life in a way" So we should do Sun Salutation daily.
Click here to go to the step of Sun Salutation

2 Which is the best time for Sun Salutation?
When should one do SSun Salutation?

Answer - Sun Salutation should be done in the morning. Sunrise is the most suitable time for sunrise. At this time all four are peaceful, birds chirp and the brain is calm and the mind remains focused.

Answer - To know how to do Sun Salutation, you must definitely see our earlier post, in this we have given full information in detail, how to do Sun Salutation. What are the steps of Sun Salutation?

4 In which direction should we do Surya Namaskar?

Answer - If we are doing Sun Salutation in the morning or at sunrise then our main should always be towards the east.
Sun Salutation towards east is beneficial.

5 How to wear clothes while doing Sun Salutation and Yogasana?

Answer - While doing Sun Salutation or Yogasan, we should wear clothes that are comfortable for us and comfortable.

6 Do menstruation become regular by performing Sun Salutation?

Answer - Yes, all the cycles of the body are activated by Sun Salutation, blood circulation is good and due to this, the monthly cycles also become regular.

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