Let's do Sun Salutation daily and remove all body disorders,https://healthsource91.blogspot.com/,yoga tip,yogaasan,yoga surya namaskar mantras surya namaskar for weight loss surya namaskar steps with pictures surya namaskar steps, Surya namaskar charts - Health Source And Care


Sunday, May 31, 2020

Let's do Sun Salutation daily and remove all body disorders,https://healthsource91.blogspot.com/,yoga tip,yogaasan,yoga surya namaskar mantras surya namaskar for weight loss surya namaskar steps with pictures surya namaskar steps, Surya namaskar charts

Let's do Sun Salutation daily and remove all body disorders

Sun Salutation is a group of many rugs. Which is a part of yoga, whenever we move towards yoga, we have to go through a group of these asanas, there are twelve easy in it.
Our body benefits from regular practice of these asanas and gives our body the ability to fight disease. By performing Sun Salutation, blood circulation is well in the body and that is why the circulation of oxygen is also done throughout the body and if the blood flow is good then it is comfortable in the problem of blood pressure. It is also helpful in easy weight loss. Our body gets rid of many diseases by doing Sun Salutation. Weight Loss For Yoga
Initially, by doing these asanas, there will be a slight movement in the body, there will also be some pain in the body, but do not be afraid of all these problems. This is the normal thing, when we do not do any exercise, the vein of our body becomes a bit tight in the veins. We do not see these things coming, but when we start doing yoga or some practice, blood circulation increases in our body, there is a flexible flow in drugs and whenever there is a change in the body, there is a little pain in the body. Problems that may soon be fixed
12 mantras are also chanted while performing Sun Salutation. By chanting the mantra, concentration remains in the mind, which makes yoga easier to have an even better effect on the body.

Let us now know what are the 12 postures of Sun Salutation.

1. Pranam Mudra (Salute posture) 2. HastUttanasana 3. padhattanasan 4. ashvsanchalana asana (Horse operation easy) 5. parvatasana (Emblem) 6. astangnasana (Astang easy) 7. Bhujangnaasana 8. parvatasana (Emblem) 9. ashvsanchalana asana (Horse operation easy) 10. Hattanasan (Hand easy) 11.  HastUttanasana (Hand Uttanasan) 12. Pranam mudra

Here are the whole 12 easy which is the group of Sun Salutation, now we will read these asanas with complete information, let's start with the details with pranam mudra.

                               https://healthsource91.blogspot.com,yoga tip,yogaasan,yoga surya namaskar mantras surya namaskar for weight loss surya namaskar steps with pictures surya namaskar steps, Surya namaskar charts

Salute posture

In this posture, keeping both hands in the posture of salutation, stand upright, in this salute posture, the sun is greeted and the mantra "Om Mitraaya Namah" is chanted.

Manual development(HastUttanasana)

In this posture, keep the mouth closed and take a deep breath through the nostrils, straighten both hands, then slowly bend the body, move both hands backward, also move the neck slightly back so that the body comes in a bow shape. This situation is known as Hastottanasan, which is the second position of Sun Salutation.
Along with this, "Om Ravay Namah" is chanted.


In this posture, while bending your two hands slowly forward, take them straight down to the feet and release your breath slowly and chant the mantra "Om Surya Namah".
Keep in mind that you have to touch the earth with your hands and keep in mind on both your knees that the knee should not bend, it should remain straight and focus should be on the Manipuram Chakra.

Horse steering

In this posture, one foot is moved backwards from the position of Padhastasan. Looking at this situation it seems as if we are just waiting for the city to run, the city rang and we will run, making a position like this. Stay in the seat
And chant "Om Bhanave Namah" mantra.
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Some questions related to Sun Salutation and their answers.
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In this posture, you have to stabilize yourself on both the hands and both feet of the feet should also be standing, fingers should be rested on the earth and both heels should be joined together. Keep your buttocks up also. It can be said away from the earth. .
Chant "Om Khagay Namah" with this posture.

Ashtanga Asanas

In the Ashtanga posture you have to lie on the earth, after that, raise the waist / waist and let the chest stay on the earth, the forehead is also lifting the waist and buttock facing the earth.
In this posture, chant the "Om Pushene Namah" mantra


In Bhujangasana, the body has to be moved upwards, but both hands have to be kept on the ground, both hands will remain on the ground, the body will remain upward, the waist and buttock will also remain on the ground. The part of the head and the head will remain above this position is on the hands of Bhujang.
And chant "Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah" in this posture.


In this posture, the body is being made like a mountain, the shape of the mountain should be seen, for this we will lift the waist and buttock straight down our neck from Bhujangasana and lift it up towards the sky so that a mountain-like form is created by our body. The thing to keep in mind is that both of our knees should not bend, should remain straight and the hands should not bend any more, now our position is like the shape of a mountain, this situation is mountain.
In this posture, chant the mantra "Om Marichaye Namah".

Horse steering

Taking a long breath in the horse steering will move the left leg back, the neck will move upward, one hand forward, one hand back, both hands on the ground and neck like the sky as we have already told that we are waiting to run in a race. Are doing this position should stay for some time, after that another step should be taken.
Chant the "Om Aditya Namah" mantra.

HastUttanasana (Hand Uttanasan)

In this posture, the horse is brought back from the horse movement, which brings the leg behind and the neck is bent downward, the waist and buttock are up and both the hands and the claws remain on the ground. Also chant the "Om Savitre Nam:" mantra.
Palm of the hand
Now, while breathing in this posture, take both hands and neck backwards and look towards the sky and bow back as much as we can in the figure, as if we were in the same posture, standing in the same position. Should be
And chant the mantra "Om Arkay Namah".

Greetings posture

In this posture, we will stand in the same way as we stood on the pranam posture which is the first posture of Sun Salutation, in the same way we will greet or bow to the sun by standing in the position, it remains a state of relaxation and stand up straight. Both hands are joined and chant the mantra "Om Bhaskarai Namah", this is the last position of the 12 asanas of Sun Salutation, the posture of prostration.

Some questions related to Sun Salutation and their answers

Question- Which yoga should be done first by Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati?
Answer- First of all, we should do Sun Salutation and then do some asana or pranayam.

Question- Can a 7-year-old child do Sun Salutation?
Answer- Yes, if the child is physically and mentally healthy, he can also do Sun Salutation.
But if the child is not physically and mentally healthy, you should consult your doctor first and then do some yoga.

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